inflatables rental

All posts tagged inflatables rental

Themed Birthday Parties in Dubai – Big Bash for All Age Groups

Published June 1, 2015 by funkymonkeysu

Birthdays are becoming more than a simple celebration that was once confined to one’s own home. Dubai being the enjoyment hub, everything is possible here with a lot of enthusiasm and entertainment for all age groups. The most thrilling and the latest in birthday celebrations are the themed birthday parties. Here you can find some great ideas to celebrate your day!

  • For Ages 1 to 13 – Taking the imaginations to a higher level, the kids birthday party in Dubai can be made a memorable event by choosing the Fancy dress theme for ages 1 to 13. From super heroes to Disney Princess, there are thousands of ideas to dress up to bring in mere excitement and complete joy. There are cost effective and cheaper ways to dress up as you can find DIY options for the same on the internet.
  • For Ages 13 to 18 – Teenagers need something spiced up, thrilling and so they can go in for a Rocking Birthday Party in Dubai. A musical themed party is just the right option to think about. There are several venues to choose in Dubai and you can add DJ to make it just the perfect one you always wished to celebrate and remember forever.

Kids are always excited about parties and so are the teenagers. There are several places in Dubai you can choose to rock n’roll on the very special day. Some of the very famous venues offering the special theme for the birthday bash include the Dubai Aquarium and the Underwater Zoo at Dubai Mall with their own ‘under-the-sea theme’. There are also other party halls at different outlets including Fun City, McDonald’s, and KFC etc.

They offer you several packages depending on how you want the party to be get going with the party hostess and a complete celebration. The cake is mostly arranged by the venue with an additional cost and all the decorations are made as per your likes and desires.

Yet another unique birthday theme covered these days is the kids Spa Party Dubai where you choose to pamper relax and calm yourself and the entire team. There are also Spas which conduct such party’s right at your own house. They offer several packages depending on your requirement and thus organizing the whole event accordingly. Your guests are sure to thank you for this surprise treat which they will never forget in their lifetime. These Spa Birthday Parties in Dubai are catching moment with more satisfied and returning customers!

Book for themed birthday parties depending on the crowd you will be inviting. Be it for kids or teenagers, organize parties according to your budget and pre-plan everything so that there is no hassle at the last minute.

How To Arrange A Stunning Kids Birthday Party

Published March 9, 2015 by funkymonkeysu

In these days, all the children are willing to celebrate their birthday parties with great zeal. For this, even their parents are thinking a lot to make their dear ones smile the whole day. However, selecting a best place is something that matters to most of them. Try to find out the most energetic places in the world, where celebrating a birthday here will always be memorable for the rest of their lives. Generally children are more interested to spend their time if they could get a chance to play in the huge play area and as well have lots of chances for fun. But the other important factor is, all these amenities must be within the affordable range for the people to spend.


There is very less time for the parents to look over the birthday arrangements for their Kids Birthday Party. Hence, they are very much tensed when the occasions come for their babies. However, now it is time to shed away that stress as there are services which are going to organize a very fabulous event based on the interests of their customers. Right from the invitations to the return gifts, these people are going to look at everything. The only thing one needs to do is, to book their dates and then select the type of arrangements they are willing to have. Thereby the parents can just stay least bothered and come to their own birthday even as their guests will come. The whole event will go well and these experiences will remain life-long both for the kids and to the parents. Kids will get a chance to rock and enjoy a lot the whole day.

There are very few such amusement play areas where there are many inflatable’s. In these days looking at the demand of the people, the companies are trying to go for the option of Inflatable’s Rental. There are many types of inflatables in these days. One may select their desired one based on their interest and wish. In the same manner, the parents will consider the age of the children who attend the party and then go for the final selection. These are available in various sizes even and there is team of workers who are experienced to let the customers know which inflatable chooses the best for a particular age group.


It is upon booking these for these childrens birthday party, they can stay rest assured as the whole delivery in a timely fashion will be looked over by the company itself. For these reasons, it is always wise to choose this service from a reputed one which has gained the trust of the customers. There are even many other services which these children amusing companies are providing. Right from the food to the chairs and many more services can be looked over at this single stop. The organizers who look over all these activities are very committed to work and will always give their best work in all aspects.

Fulfill Dream Of Your Children With Themed Birthday Parties In Dubai

Published August 26, 2014 by funkymonkeysu

Dream of most children would be celebrating themed birthday parties full of fun and enjoyment with friends and others. Every parent also desires that they can fulfill the dream of their children and give them the fun and enjoyment they are looking for. Parents in Dubai or those coming with their family and children to the place can consider approaching many prominent organizers for themed birthday parties such as Funky Monkeys Play Center that offers everything their children could look for.

Making Good the Neglected Aspects of Life

Despite their love and affection for children most parents neglect a vital aspect of the lives of their kids; fulfilling their dreams. Children have tender minds and they could easily get scratched that won’t do any good for the children. Many a times the kids dream something only to get those dreams shattered due to nonchalant attitude on part of their parents and guardians.

On the other hand after coming back from a hectic scheduled the parents hardly have time to arrange for fulfillment of the dream of the children. There has to be a balancing feature somewhere and that is where play centers offering themed birthday parties can be of great help. That is why many parents in Dubai are now looking forward to arranging kids party Dubai at the fun play centers offering various parties and fun-fiesta.

Essential for Growth of Child

When planning for party ideas, it’s very much essential that the educational and learning aspects of the child also need to be taken care of. Its not only essential for supplementing fun with knowledge-gain aspects, but also helps the kids to learn while they still make merry and celebrate their special day. There are many theme party organizers offering specialized parties for kids keeping in view the special needs for the kids.

Organizing such a party not only adds fun to the event, but also makes it great fun and a special moment to cherish forever. Such parties also help your kids to mix with their own friend circle that helps them to develop socially as well. Themed birthday parties are thus a very welcoming idea which offers fun of the party as well as learning a lot about inter-personal skills and such others. Organizing a special event of Kids Party Dubai could be instrumental in offering some remarkable moments for your growing up child.

How to go for such a themed party:

If you are planning for some themed party, you always have two options. You can either organize the party at your home or hire some theme park and fun avenue to offer such a special fun to your kids. If you planning for a party at home, you can get many party items on rental options.

kids party Dubai

You can rent cartoon characters, merry-go-rounds, rock-n-roll chairs, Inflatables Rental, toy train stations and many such other to give a special touch to your party. If you are going for hiring a play-venue for the party such rental options are also available which can offer you a special charm. All you may need is to plan well before the schedule and you can surely go for a themed party for your special kid with ample of fun.

Kids Birthday Party – A Place Where Smiles Twinkle

Published August 21, 2014 by funkymonkeysu

Children’s love parties a lot. They love screaming out of enjoy roaming all over the place and brings happiness all over the place. Their genuine laughs and mischief makes us forget the rest of the world and takes us back into our childhood days. There may be many parties that a child may be taken to but the best ones where children enjoy a lot is in a Kids Birthday Party. All the children come together to a place and start playing roaming all over the place.

Every child on this earth would count the number of days remaining for his or her birthday and dream of it every day. It was such exciting for them and so special day of the entire year. They keep on dreaming about the gifts they get on that day and the grand party which would be the talk of his or her friends. Parents who wish to see their child happy are the ones that arrange the party in the grand way out of the resources available to them.

A child sees a party in a totally different perspective. It’s not the hall we booked or not even the food items we have arranged there. Even a dozen varieties of food cannot please the child but there are other small things that can make them happy. How small the function hall may be, the child gets attracted first to the decoration done in the room. The different colors and creative ways of decoration attracts them. So the initial smiles are initiated by the colorful balloons that decorate the place.

Balloons bring joy in their minds and they start moving all the place collecting some balloons for them. There are many kinds of decorations done in a party. So the balloon decoration involves lot of creativity. It also needs lot of effort to be invested along with the hint of patience as all of them have to be arranged in a row one after another all over the place. The arches made of balloons at the entrance are again a special attraction that adds charm to the place. In other words balloons can be described as a hint of joy at a place.

Apart from balloons there are many things that can bind children to the lace and can make them happy. One such huge attraction is the Bouncy Castle. Children spend most of their time here enjoying themselves. These attractions are rented and arranging each of them along with decoration might be difficult to the parents as it involves lot of work.

So there are many Inflatables Rental available to make the work easy by subscribing one. Okasyon and Funky Monkey UAE are some of the best decorators in Dubai.

birthday party packages

Themed Birthday Parties – A Child’s Unquenchable Hanker

Published July 29, 2014 by funkymonkeysu

A child’s smile is considered to be the purest one of all nature’s gift, pure than the first rays of sun, first drops of rain. It is a million worth gift for the parents watching their children smiling and living happy. That’s what they fight for and lives for. The most exciting moments for a parent are to watch their children’s birthday approaching. They spend many sleepless nights to make it the best day they could give to child. They plan things very early and wanted to be the unique and best party ever.

Themed birthday parties

The first rule for a party to be the best one is to be the unique one. It has to be different from the several routine ones that we see daily. So one has to think of the ideas out of the box and has to arrange things in an efficient manner which needs lot of experience. But the parents hardly celebrate one and are definitely new to all this. But here we have a solution.

There are lots of people who compete among themselves to finish this work for us with lot of creativity. Birthday parties slowly emerged into Themed Birthday Parties sharing more joy and happiness. A themed birthday party requires lot of creativity and experience.

There are many organizing companies that offer different themed birthday parties. Some of the most creative ones are listed below in the list:

  • Harry Potter Party
  • Halloween Class party
  • Barbie Birthday Party
  • Kitty Cat Party
  • Monkey Party
  • Monster Party
  • Pokémon Party
  • Iron Man Party
  • Jungle Party etc.  

The list is too long as many brains with loads of creativity are daily working on it to give us a wonderful experience. One might wonder looking at the themed birthday party ideas. But children are more fascinated towards these ideas. A party organized with the Iron Man party idea, and then every small thing in the party is designed to have some flavor of iron man right from invitations, decorations, food, games, activities etc.

Face masks and dresses do also add extra flavor to the parties. The themed parties are different for girls and boys. These parties are not only for children but also for different age groups attracting more and more people towards them.

inflatables rental

One creative Idea will spread as fast as blaze throughout the city making the party special. Apart from these there are many inflatable that can be rented to make the party more and more attractive. Inflatables Rental makes party special as children like jumping over them out of joy. One of the most common inflatable that can be rented is the Bouncy Castle. These Bouncy Castles are available in different attractive shapes and colors to attract more number of children which in turn adds color to the party.  

Availing Inflatables Rental For Themed Birthday Parties For Kids For 3 Useful Reasons

Published July 22, 2014 by funkymonkeysu

Parents make a sincere effort to add flavor to their children’s birthday occasions by organizing a grand party, where other kids are invited over. There are plenty of arrangements done to make the kids happy.


There is an atmosphere for them to enjoy to their fullest, running around, eating tasty foods and exchanging beautiful gifts. All these arrangements give lots of satisfactions to the parents and the children are happy that their birthdays were organized with lots of fanfare.

This kind of attitude is gaining further credence in the present day scenario, because of the availability of various arrangement facilities. There is a rising trend to organize themed birthday parties for the kids, so that further spice can be added to the parties, which is going to give enough reasons for the kids to enjoy.

  • Organizing events with themes in special centers and venues – An important aspect of the birthday parties these days is the arrangement of these occasions in the community centers or exclusive birthday centers. Many organizations have come up with locations, which are being used for birthdays mostly, because these have the necessary arrangements for the fun and enjoyment of the kids.

Such centers can even be found in smaller cities and localities, where parents can book the halls for the celebrations of their kids’ birthdays. All the necessary arrangements like, food preparations, play items, games, inflatable castles and house jumpers are available in such centers. These make the locations highly suited to host the parties and when children arrive in these centers, they can easily continue their games in fun and enjoyment.

  • Specially designed inflatables used for themed parties – In addition to various arrangements in the themed birthday centers, the availability of inflatables rental has given newer dimensions to the manner in which parties are being organized. These are specially designed structures, which take different shapes when inflated. With the availability of sufficient space, large bouncy castle rental items can be procured in these centers.

These add to the charm of the themed parties, where children arrive dressed in different attires and caps as well as accessories to stay over in forts and castles. Such arrangements are a matter of fun for the kids, as well as they tend to learn a lot about these themed occasions.

  • Flexibility in arranging the themes for parties – Plenty of designs of inflatables rental are nowadays available in the market. Most of the centers for Themed Birthday Parties usually bring in these items from the rental agencies and place them in their grounds as per the themes.So, there is good amount of flexibility in arranging the themed parties for the birthdays. When children arrive dressed as per the particular theme, they will find suitable rental items for playing. These can range from simple jumpers to the bouncy castle rental, which can be ordered during the time of booking of these birthday centers.

With the availability of Inflatables Rental, parents are having the opportunity to arrange the themed birthday parties of their children in innovative ways. Such arrangements can be done even with more flamboyance, particularly with the organization of themes for the birthdays.


All the arrangements are done with perfection, to the minutest details, so that the parents and kids are satisfied with the birthday parties and make sure that the memories are everlasting.

Few Tips For a Perfect Children Birthday Party

Published June 27, 2014 by funkymonkeysu

Hosting or organizing a birthday party for kids always seems simple but it is not as simple as it needs. There are number of factors that need your kind attention and you have to keep them in your mind. Also there is a need to keep special needs of almost every kid who is going to be a part of the event. Actually everyone wants to organize Childrens Birthday Party which is perfect but since many people have no idea, they often fail to keep up the pace.

There is no need for you to raise your heart beat and this article is going to let you know what exactly you should do to give away a party that is best in all the aspects.

Choose a location wisely

When it comes to kids’ birthday party, the location highly matters for its success. Many people organize them at their homes which is not a good option. Actually kids usually don’t have much to do in homes and they cannot enjoy what they expect. Simply book a banquet hall or a location which is especially designed for kids only. You can find them very easily around you.

Having a location where a lot of stuff related to kids is available helps them to remember your event for years. Not just your children will remember the same but all the guests including you will never forget it for years. Booking an edutainment center is an excellent option for Themed Birthday Parties for your children.

Pay special attention to children activities

Always remember that its party for children and a lot of them will be there to enjoy their time. Adding activities related to them always make them enjoy their good time without any hesitation. Take opinion of an expert to know more about this and always add at least two activities for more fun. There are number of activities that you can add and following are the best options:

  • Dance activities
  • Laser games
  • Pizza making fun
  • Art and craft activities
  • Bouncy castle rental

Know what kids love to eat

There would be lot of fun including good food. Yes this is exactly what that children usually expect while going for a party. Though you are paying special attention to the activities, but considering food items that children usually loves is also good for you.

After all it’s their day and you have to offer them the best options to bring a smile on their face. Know the best available options that help them to enjoy taste without compromising with the health.

Always hire a professional service

There are lots of companies that help organizing birthday parties for kids that are perfect. There is nothing more than you need to do than placing a phone call to them. They can simply guide you on what exactly you need to do and how you can have the best in exchange of money you are going to invest.

Professionals are having years of experience and it is totally their responsibility to handle everything during the party.

inflatables rental

Birthday Party Packages – Teenybopper’s Bean Feast

Published June 26, 2014 by funkymonkeysu

Party is a mood of celebration. Party culture has penetrated deep into our cultures and became a part of life. All of us are fascinated by parties especially children. The joy and energy in them make the parties more special. The parties that they could enjoy and make the most are the birthday parties.

The children keep waiting for a long time to celebrate their birthday in the best way they can. Right at that age children can’t organize a party on their own. It is the parent’s responsibility to make sure that their child doesn’t get disappointed and arrange the arty well.

In order to arrange a party we need to make out several things. Many like lending a function hall, decorating it, inviting guests, arranging cake etc. add in the list apart from several things. Dubai is one among many places on earth where party culture is merged in day to day life. Usually children try to follow the footsteps of parents and thus kid’s party in Dubai has got lot of importance over there.

We need to arrange each and every small thing mentioned above and make a payment by spending about 2 to 3 days on it. But time is a very special investment in a place like Dubai and people are not ready to invest that time to arrange a party. At the same time they can’t disappoint their children. But we have a solution for this problem.

What if all the resources are available at a single place and you just need to talk to them and simply make a payment? Rest of the arrangements is taken care by them making the party a grand success.

All of it comes as a package where you look for the one you need in your budget and that’s it. Your part of the work as a parent is done and the only thing left is to keep watching your child enjoying the party. There are many birthday packages available in Dubai to make a choice depending on the requirements like the number of guests attending it, the budget limit etc.

The Birthday Party Packages come with different themes to attract children. Out of the different themes in the kids birthday parties some of the common ones are:

  • Pretty Princess
  • Safari Jungle
  • Magic Castle themes

One more kind of party where kids like to relax and beautify themselves is the Kids Spa Party Dubai. There are many packages available in it which includes the services like manicures, mini facials, hairdos, airbrush tattoos etc. Some of the famous locations of venues in Dubai to organize a party are:

  • Funky Monkey
  • Mini Monsters
  • Toscana
  • Atlantis Kids Club
  • Aqua Play
  • Children’s City
  • Encounter Zone etc.

inflatables rental